Comunn na Feinne

Hello and welcome!

The following Appendices are included for the reader who wishes to delve deeper into some aspects of Comunn na Feinne’s wider activities which, because of length, had to be left out of the main body of the CNF story.

Appendix 15 contains are large number of photographs which could not be included in the main body of the text. Most of these were contained in the Mr Ron Carmichael CNF folders which he had assembled over a period of many years. Some were obtained from sources all over Australia and New Zealand.


The photographs on page 260-261 of the book show (top) Piper John Kidd, shortly after his enlistment in the Gordon Highlanders. The second group photograph (bottom) shows Piper John Kidd (centre) with Piper Allen George Findlater to the right and Piper Thomas Patrick Milne to the left. These three men were wounded storming the Heights of Dargai.

These photographs are included courtesy of Mrs G. White whose late husband, Mr John White, was Piper John Kidd’s grandson.

We acknowledge our gratitude to Mrs White for allowing us to include these photographs.


The appendices are saved as .pdf files, and are listed in order below. We updated them on 27 February 2019.

The files are for reference purposes only, and may not be reproduced in any way without the permission of the authors, obtained via the publisher.

Appendices and Tables

Appendix 1 CNF and Gaelic Education

Appendix 2 An Teachdaire Gaidhealteachd (The Gaelic Messenger)

Appendix 3 Short Biographies of leading CNF figures

Appendix 4 CNF Grounds

Appendix 5 Local Poets associated with CNF

Appendix 6 Duke of Edinburgh visit to Geelong in 1867

Appendix 7 The Industrial Home System

Appendix 8 The Cerberus

Appendix 9 CNF and WW1

Appendix 10 CNF Gaelic Competitions

Appendix 11 CNF Examinations – Sample Questions

Appendix 12 Carmichael Notes

Appendix 13 CNF Pipe Band

Appendix 14 CNF – Wider Community Activities

Appendix 15 CNF edited photographs

Appendix 16 Searchable tables of contestants for all CNF Competitions

Appendix 17 CNF Book Index

Note – ‘Appendix 16’ is in Microsoft Excel format. If you experience difficulty opening the file, please contact us.

Any feedback is welcomed via the contact form below.


Please let us know what you thought of the book, we’d love to hear from you.

Thanks for reading!


Pete Diggins